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Children's Activities

(Please note: Parents are required to be present at all activities and are responsible for supervising their children at all times.)

Field Trips: monthly educational excursions to museums and such set up by volunteer parents.
Activities: monthly physical activities open to the whole family, such as hiking, biking, skating, park days, swimming, etc.
Presentation Day: Monthly opportunities for our kids to learn public speaking skills, give presentations, and socialize via games and snacks.
Geography Fair: annual event where students study a country and prepare a display board, give an oral presentation about their country, along with possible food, clothing, and objects.
Science Fair: annual event where students prepare a science experiment, prepare a display board and give an oral presentation on their science experiment and its results.
Art Contest: annual event where students are allowed to submit 1 piece of art work for display based on three different age categories.  Art work is then judging in a 'People's Choice" fashion and awards are given to the top choice in each age category.